3 Horrible Mistakes People Make With Homeowners Insurance

One of the reasons why we have insurance is to help offset some risk. We pay insurance premiums to ensure that if something goes wrong, it can be fixed for an affordable price. When strategizing and deciding whether it’s worth it to make an insurance claim, a Palm Beach public adjuster from Property Damage Consultants can help you make the most informed decision.

Our goal as public adjusters in the Palm Beach community is to help our clients avoid making insurance mistakes.

Here are three significant mistakes that we find homeowners make when it comes to their homeowners insurance.

#1 Making too many claims & unnecessary claims 

When you are constantly making claims, the insurance company’s risk of insuring you goes up. Not everything requires you to make a claim to your homeowners insurance. What results is a higher premium over time.  

#2 Choosing the Wrong Deductible Amount

A deductible is the amount of money that you are responsible for paying with an insured loss. This deductible is deducted from what insurance would pay against a claim. If you choose the wrong deductible amount, you may not be able to file for smaller damages as it likely would only increase your premium overall. For instance, if your deductible is $1,000 and your claim will only yield a small number of gains, it most likely isn’t the right choice to file.

#3 Filing a Claim Against a Depreciated Item

It’s no secret that many things lose their value quickly, especially automobiles. Oftentimes filing to recover a lost asset may result in an immediately higher premium. This is especially true for items that you have no proof of their initial worth such as jewelry.

Ultimately, the best time to file an insurance claim is when there is catastrophic damage that is costly. However, if you’re unsure if you should file a claim, the best thing to do is to hire a public adjuster near you to guide you through the process and make the best decision.

Schedule a Consultation With a Public Adjuster in Palm Beach

Our Palm Beach public adjusters at Property Damage Consultants located in Boynton Beach work hard to be our client’s advocate. We are committed to your success and work hard on your behalf every step of the way. This allows us to get you the compensation that you deserve. If you have visible property damage, call our public adjuster experts in Palm Beach at 561-258-9387 today. We can help you manage your insurance claim process. During this visit with a public adjuster serving the Palm Beach community, you can also learn more about our services.

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